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7 Clever Ways to Eat Your Bananas

7 Clever Ways to Eat Your Bananas

Bananas is one of the most versatile fruits. They are very nutritious and filled with tryptophan, which helps your body make endorphins and lift your mood.

Here are 7 clever ways you can eat your bananas!

1. Make Banana 'Nice' Cream

Freeze your bananas and have it in stock to make banana 'nice' cream. Simply slice your bananas, place it in a container and put in in the freezer. To make the 'nice cream'; add less liquid to your smoothie ingredients so that it blends to a thick texture of ice cream. I like to add a tablespoon of a healthy fat (my personal favorites are nut butter or coconut oil) so that it adds a layer of flavour to the 'nice' cream. Scoop your nice cream into a waffle cone and top it off with sprinkles, chocolate chips, and anything else you'd like!

2. Make Banana Bread... Banana Muffins, Cupcakes, Bars...

The spottier or blacker the bananas, the sweeter they get. If you're baking, you can replace the sweetener you use and use the ripe bananas as a natura sweetener. Ripe bananas work well when baking muffins, cupcakes, quick breads and even baked porridge!

3. Caramelize your Bananas

Heat up your pan, add a touch of butter, slice your banana down the middle or slice them as coins. Fry the banana gently on each side for 2 minutes. The bananas will turn slightly brown as its natural sugars are drawn out and the surface caramelize. Eat it with french toast, porridge topping, or even in between toasts paired with your favorite nut butter.

4. Top it off with Bananas

Bananas work well as accompaniments to breakfast or dessert toppings. Slice your bananas and top off your granola parfat or smoothie bowls!

5. Pair it with a Banana

Eating the banana just as it is, is good too!. It's even better to 'dress up' your banana! My favorite combo is to pair the banana with almond butter or peanut butter with a sprinkle of chocolate chips (cacao nibs work as well). Yum! The combination of carbs, healthy fats, and sweetness can keep your hunger at bay and it makes a good pre workout snack.

6. Make Banana Chips!

If you have a sweet tooth and love crunchy snacks, then banana chips are for you!

Slice up your bananas into coins. Place them on a baking tray with oiled parchment paper. Brush the banana coins with lemon juice (this will avoid the banana chips from browning). Bake them at a preheated oven of 105 Celcius for 2-3 hours, until they have tried out. Remove the pan and let the bananas cool up for up to an hour. As they cool, the banana slices should start to crisp up!

7. Make Banana Frosting

Combine 2 ripe bananas with a cap of vanilla extract, 1/2 cup of vegan butter (or normal butter), 1 tsp of lemon juice, with 2 cups of cicing sugar. Mix all of these with an electrical hand blender until it turns fluffy. Slather the frosting on top of your cakes, biscuits or cupcake!

I hope that these have given you some ideas on how to use your bananas! What are your favorite ways of eating your bananas?

  #Food & Drink   #baking   #recipe   #dessert   #clean eating   #healthy   #fruit   #vegetarian   #vegan   #Cooking & baking tips   #bananas

View Comments
106 months ago
Great ideas Gabriella! We get through a lot of bananas :) We often caramelise them (and use them with pancakes) or even bake them on the BBQ and have them with some ice-cream and cinnamon. Lately I've been slicing them and adding them to granola for breakfast...

I tried making banana chips before but didn't manage to get them nice and crisp - maybe I wasn't patient enough, I had them on a higher temperature and a lot less time than what you recommend but as they say, good things come to those who wait! :)


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