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What to do with Pistachios

What to do with Pistachios

Ever thought about using nuts in certain recipes? They don’t only add a lovely taste, but a unique crunchy texture. Wondering what nuts to use? The pistachio nut is arguably the most multi-purpose, the healthiest, and tastiest – as you’d know if you’ve tried one as a snack! They are a rich source of mono-unsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamin E. Not to mention the oil they produce is one of the healthiest cooking oils – but that’s a different story. So what dishes can you add them to? The following are just a few of the many ideas for this enchanting nut.

Pistachio Chicken Korma

The chicken korma is only a suggestion – they will go with pretty much any curry. However, the creaminess of a korma is exceedingly complimentary to the pistachio taste! They also go well with fruits – the fruit and nut combo make for a fantastic curry!

Nutty Salad

If you’ve ever thought of adding some nutty goodness to a salad, the pistachio is your best bet! In fact, why not use the low-fat pistachio oil as a dressing base?

Pistachio and Dark-Chocolate Cookies

Onto the sweet section! The pistachio’s sweet taste makes it perfect for both savoury and sweet dishes. They’ll add an ideal texture to your average cookie, and the sweetness contrasts perfectly with the bitterness of dark chocolate!

Roasted Pistachio Ice Cream

You don’t require and extra salt or sugar to make this dessert tasty – the pistachios themselves will do that for you! Up the amount of nuts and grind them very finely – the sweet taste will be spread out. Delicious!

An All-Around Topping

Yoghurt, milkshakes, smoothies, porridge – almost anything you can think of, a sprinkling of pistachio nuts will certainly add flavour, character, and set it apart from anything else!

  #Food & Drink   #nuts   #healthy   #curry   #Cooking & baking tips   #desserts   #food   #ideas   #pistachios

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