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6 New additions you should include in your diet in 2017

6 New additions you should include in your diet in 2017

Essentially these products are not new, but in fact...ancient. They are raw, superfoods transformed into ingredients and foods we can use and benefit from in our every day lives. From apricot kernel oil to mealworms, pick what's best for you!

Alternative Oils

From avocado oil to macademia, to hemp seed oil, the variety (and benefits) you can get from each are endless. The best thing is you can use them everywhere: in your salad, with bread or in your bakes.

Benefits: try hemp seed oil for essential fatty acids and all the Omegas, linseed oil for good cholesterol levels and Omega 3, macademia oil as a natural antioxidant and a way to improve metabolism, apricot kernel oil which some have called a miracle cure!

Plant based butchery

Want to try meat alternatives? There's not a better time to do that since delicious and nutritious substitutes are readily available. Fragrant vegan meat burger, mouth-watering steaks and even vegan charcuterie will leave any meat and non meat eater stunned.

Benefits: if you choose your vegan meat carefuly from a good maker using natural ingredients you can find delicious produce packed with fruit, vegetables and superfoods.


I am not talking about recipe books, but amazing kits for those who want to make their favourite things themselves. Some do it because they like the procedure, some do it because they want to make sure they know what's in their food. The best ones I've seen are make-your-own mustard kits, a kit to make your own gin, nut milk makers, smoke-your-own-salmon kit, even grow-your-own-mushroom plant.

Benefits: know what you eat and... fun!

Superfood flour

This is something I took up months ago in attempts to make bakes for my kids that are not only tasty, but also good for them. My favourite ones are tapioca flour, banana flour, sorghum flour and tiger nut flour, as well as the more common ones: coconut, oat and buckwheat.

Benefits: get the benefits from superfoods through your daily bread, cakes, biscuits, even in pasta


A trend from last year, which we have seen explode rapidly. Anything from mealworm flour to insect bars and even crispy grasshoppers is a great source of clean and lean protein.

Benefits: a high protein source often containing all essential amino acids


Being Greek Cypriot I have been eating this sesame based paste my whole life and I can tell you, it's delicious! You can use it anywhere: in sweets, in salad dressings, in snack bars.

Benefits: sesame seeds are rich in minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium and pottasium as well as a high source of protein, iron and zinc


  #Healthy Living   #Health & Wellbeing   #vegan   #glutenfree   #tahini   #superfood flour   #insect bars   #insect flour   #food trends   #new foods   #highprotein   #hempseedoil   #macademiaoil   #avocadooil   #oatflour   #bananaflour   #glutenfreeflour   #veganmeat

View Comments
90 months ago
Paola, great to see sesame seeds be treated as a "hero" food again. Packed with more vitamins, minerals and other goodness - far more than chia seeds and half the price. It's the same for spinach vs kale and quinoa vs lentils. Good to see more affordable real food being promoted. Sophia -


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