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8 Questions with vegan patissier and pioneer, Organic Livity

8 Questions with vegan patissier and pioneer, Organic Livity

French style pioneering vegan patissier, Sidney, answers a few of our questions.

With creations like their superfood packed macarons and green power emulsion raw cake, they're leading a new wave of artisans demonstrating that indulgences can not only be guilt-free but highly nutritional too.

1) How did you start your business?

Organic Livity was born out of passion for food and from the lack of healthy food options available in London. We wanted to respond to the demand of people with alternative lifestyles (such as plant-based living) and allergies/intolerances.

2) What's the biggest challenge when building your business? And in the "making-of" your products? 

The biggest challenge faced by most entrepreneurs is working with a strapped budget; you have to get innovative and ambitious in order to help your business reach its full potential. I am very fortunate to have abundant creativity and love for creating new products. Time is maybe the biggest problem, creating bespoke treats takes time; from the concept to the making of the final cake. I very much like the process though!

3) The main reason you went into vegan baking? 

To follow my indigenous ancestors and for spirituality! I think that plant-based diet (and lifestyle) allows you to balance your energies and helps to draw closer to the source (God).

4) The #1 tip you have for vegan baking? 

Use what nature has intended, be confident and have fun in the kitchen (and add fruit to everything)! 

5) Your favourite dessert? 

Our CBD range; like our Chocolate brownies and Triple OG truffles are yummy chocolatey treats made with rich chocolate as well as our CBD oil (adding nutrition to the great taste).

6) The ingredient you use the most? 

I really love adding superfoods such as Maca, Spirulinas, CBD, Baobab for their healing properties and vitamin content.

7) What's your best selling product?

At the moment, our best selling product on Yumbles is our French Macarons (made with superfoods). They were a hit during the festive season. They are closely followed by our "Raw cake assortment"; where customers can try 3 of our most loved raw cakes (the Superfruit Vitality, the Rubis Feerie, the Green Power Emulsion). They are full of goodness from fruits, nuts and superfoods.

8) What's the best testimonial you got from a customer?

This was my Friday's order for a very special little girl saying "Thank you for making her smile once again, you are a star!". The customer bought a few of our treats to cheer up a little girl after a heart-breaking loss.

Check out the Organic Livity selection

And Yumbles full range of Yumbles Vegan Cakes & Treats by UK artisans

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