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5 minutes with vegan cheese artisan, Tyne Chease

5 minutes with vegan cheese artisan, Tyne Chease

Tyne Chease artisan products are not some of the Yumbles best sellers for nothing. Made using the finest organic cashew nuts and macadamia nuts, they are cultured and aged, using traditional dairy cheese making processes. Each of their cheases are hand made and aged for over 3 weeks. So what led Ami Tadaa to success?

Why did you go into this business?

When I launched Tyne Chease back in 2014 there were no artisan vegan cheases in the country and I wanted to help people interested in veganism and/or health to find great chease alternatives.

What was your biggest challenge through out building your business? And in the making of your products?

The biggest challenge was creating a vegan cheese that was natural, healthy and could be enjoyed by both vegans and non vegans on a cheaseboard or special occasion.

What makes your products different/special?

Our cheases are made using organic cashew/ macadamia nuts and vegan probiotics, which makes them a really healthy option. We offer over 20 different flavours of firm and creamed chease as well as the only vegan chease selection box in the whole country!

What's the best testimonial you got from your customers? 

Sara Pascoe (Celebrity writer, stand-up comedian and actress): What would be your favourite vegan breakfast, lunch and dinner? "There is a new vegan product called Tyne Chease. I met the brilliant Geordie lass who invented/makes it, she gave me some for free after a show and its the best anyone has ever managed vegan-cheese-wise. I would eat that at all three meals, with maybe an apple and some crackers."

What would you call a miracle ingredient? The one that makes a difference (either in flavour, nutrition or other)?

The probiotics we use helps us to culture and age our cheases so that they have an authentic cheasey tang.

Check out the entire vegan cheese range by Tyne Chease

And Yumbles Vegan Cheese Category

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