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5 minutes with the makers of the first water kefir to hit the UK market, Purearth #meetthemaker

5 minutes with the makers of the first water kefir to hit the UK market, Purearth #meetthemaker

Preparing organic fresh, cold-pressed juice cleanses and delivering them fresh while making sure quality and flavour are preserved is not an easy task. Purearth have managed to carry it out beyond successfuly without even having to advertise at first. Not to start on the fact that their water kefir was the first one to hit the UK market!

So here's everything you need to know about Tenna & Angelina.

1) Why did you go into this business?

Tenna and myself, the founders of Purearth started the business back in 2012. We were drinking cold-pressed juices and leading a healthy lifestyle and couldn’t believe how energised and good we felt. So good that we wanted to share our love of healthy living and how a change in lifestyle and diet could have such a positive impact on how you felt and looked. We started the business from home and made all our products from a tiny kitchen in London. Soon enough friends and family were ordering our juice programmes and experiencing such positive results that the business, organically and rapidly began to grow. Within a year we were moving into larger commercial premises just  to keep up with the demand. We didn’t use any form of advertising in the beginning, the business purely grew from reputation and word of mouth.

2) What was your biggest challenge through out building your business? And in the making of your products?

One of the biggest challenges we have faced with the business was prolonging the shelf-life of our products without compromising the quality of the product. We spent a lot of time in-house and externally microbiology testing the products to develop the best tasting and consistent product. We’re always working on improving recipes, consistency and quality of the products.

3) What makes your products different/special?

We were the first dairy-free water kefir to hit the UK market. All our products are 100% organic and have been developed using a unique process to create distinctive  flavours that are not only delicious but have a powerful nutritional content. Our Kefirs are brimming with live cultures that support immunity and gut health. They contain 100 million live strains of bacteria and are also a great source of B2 and B12. 

4) What would you call a miracle ingredient? The one that makes a difference (either in flavour, nutrition or other)?

Our miracle product / ingredient would have to be our Kefirs. A range of delicious naturally fermented sparkling drinks containing billions of live cultures to help improve vitality and support gut health. Live kefir benefits include better digestion of fats, proteins and carbs, reduced sugar cravings, and they have also been respected for thousands of years for their powerful anti-ageing and youth boosting benefits. You will feel invigorated, refreshed and your skin will glow as  kefir balances the gut’s bacteria. The line is also infused with adaptogenic superfoods and cold pressed organic juices. The kefirs taste alive with freshness. ‘Kefir’ (meaning feel good in Turkish) are dairy-free. These fermented, refreshing and naturally sparkling drinks are made with billions of live cultures, which are an amazing source of nutrients and vitamins, supportive of digestion, immunity and a healthy gut.

5) Finally, would you have 3 tips or tricks to share with us?

Tip 1: try and include probiotic / fermented foods or drinks in to your daily diet, these can be in the form of foods such as sauerkraut, Kimchi, fermented yoghurts we go for coconut dairy-free versions and drinks such as kefir and Kombucha and even a shot of apple cider vinegar (with the mother). Fermented foods and drinks are foods that have been through a process of lactofermentation in which natural bacteria feed on the sugar and starch in the food creating lactic acid. This process preserves the food, and creates beneficial enzymes, b-vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids, and various strains of probiotics.

Tip 2: drink your greens. Green juices are a great way to absorb nutrients from vegetables within 15 seconds. If you’re on the go it’s a great way to give yourself a powerful nutrition.

Tip 3: Take time for yourself daily. A yoga sequence, 10 minutes mediation In the morning, what ever it may. It can be as simple as  reading a book, and watching the sun come up with a juice, or it can be as detailed as engaging in a hobby for a half hour or more. Taking a little time for yourself refreshes and re-energises you. It allows you to think more clearly and make better decisions. It can even include the ability to sleep better, fight depression and anxiety, and give you a greater resistance to sickness, and less tension.

Check out the full range of Purearth

And the Yumbles Raw Juices Category 

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