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Meet the Maker - Pirate's Grog Rum

Meet the Maker - Pirate's Grog Rum

Meet Gaz and Beth, the makers of Pirate’s Grog Rum. Gaz and Beth were travelling back in 2012 and found themselves housesitting on Roatán, an island of the Caribbean. That is where they discovered Pirate’s Grog and couldn’t leave without bringing a taste of the tropical island back home. Pirate’s Grog Rum Ltd was finally established in the UK in 2014. 

Tell us a few words about the launching of your business.

It was the hardest thing we've ever done. Creating a product based business requires a huge drive, an ability to create and innovate without funds, and also an ability to raise funds when it is necessary.

How did you come up with the name of your business? 

The rum is from an island that was once inhabited by over 5000 'Pirate's' and the island still has many pirate traditions. 'Grog' was a term used at the same time by the British navy to describe a watered down version of navy rum, which has the same amount of alcohol as our rum.

Tell us a bit about your ingredients and how you source them.

Molasses is sourced from a Honduran sugar plantation, the Brazilian coffee for one of our products comes from a UK coffee wholesaler.

Do you still eat/ drink your product?

Yes, it's our favourite rum. We never, ever get tired of it as it's not sweetened like other rums, which can become sickly if you drink too much.

What is your favourite product from your range and why? 

Pirate's Grog No.13 as it wraps your mouth in a beautiful velvety coating. It's quite fruity too, with peach and apricot flavours coming through the complex taste.

What part of your job do you enjoy the most and why?

Meeting new and exciting people at events, seeing people's faces light up when we tell them the story of the rum and give them the opportunity to try all our products. That feeling when you know you have a fan for life.

Who are some other producers that you admire and why?

Gosh vegan bites have grown their business significantly in the past 3 years and are pushing a very positive message. The guys at Elephant Gin have seen huge growth with their beautifully crafted product, whilst also supporting a very good cause in Africa. As we grow he hopes to spend more time and resources on helping people in the UK and Honduras who come from disadvantaged backgrounds so they can help realise their dreams.

Click here to see their full collection of unique products. 


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