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Meet the Maker - The Tiger Nut Company

Meet the Maker - The Tiger Nut Company

Ani grew up drinking Horchata (tiger nut mylk) in Barcelona, and on one of his regular visits Chris tried some fresh horchata – and fell in love! After researching Ani and Chris were both hooked and wanted to share their love and obession for tiger nuts with the world so they created The Tiger Nut Company.


What was the first inspiration for your business?

A combination of experiencing  health issues and discovering how beneficial and delicious tiger nuts are!

Tell us a few words about the launching of your business.

We started it from a bedroom in our house with no experience of running a business  and no experience of the food industry, just pure passion!

How did you come up with the name of your business?

I came up with lots of quirky names, but Chris is more sensible and wanted to keep it simple and we became The Tiger Nut Company -  and I am so glad we did.

Tell us a bit about your ingredients and how you source them

We take a lot of care in sourcing our ingredients, and only work with suppliers who share our ethos and who we trust. Our tiger nuts come from Africa and Spain, but we don't buy on the open market because we want to support local farmers. Our Spanish tiger nuts are grown for us on a small farm in Valencia where we visit regularly. Our African tiger nuts are certified Fair for Life and grown in Niger and Burkina Faso, and we hope to visit there soon too. We pay a little extra to ensure the best quality, help ensure fair wages and conditions for farmers, and because we pack in certified nut free and gluten free environments.

Do you still eat/ drink your product?

YES!  Almost every day - we are obsessed!

What is your favourite product from your range and why?

At the moment I am in love with our new Tiger Nut Flakes because they are new, and also our cartons of Tiger Nut Milk because of our new look. Chris's favourite products are our range of raw Tiger Nut Chocolate bars because he is a chocoholic.

Describe a typical day.

Busy! We truly don't have a typical day - Chris is usually sorting out logistics, things like labels, sourcing ingredients and warehouse issues. I  am usually working on recipes, social media and the website. We work late and often call customers in the evening or weekends to sort out queries or issues.

What part of your job do you enjoy the most and why?

I love developing tiger nut products and recipes and taking pictures, probably because I am creative and love food! Chris loves doing shows and events where he can interact with customers and introduce everyone to our tiger nuts.

What have been some memorable business challenges along the way?

One of the silliest things we did was in the very beginning when we actually didn't think to put our name on the front of our packs! We quickly came up with a little sticky label to stick on - which is how our logo design developed. One of the constant challenges is managing stock because it can take weeks to arrive, and can often be delayed en route.

Who are some other producers that you admire and why?

Wow - there are so many products we love and admire, far too many to mention! We love brands that are honest, have a clear ethos and have products that taste great!


See The Tiger Nut Company's range here.


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