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When Is World Vegan Month?

When Is World Vegan Month?

World Vegan Month is celebrated every year in November. This increasingly popular lifestyle is being chosen by more and more people around the world every day for a number of reasons, such as health-related, ethical and environmental. If you’ve been considering doing the same, our suggestion is to start familiarising yourself with as many vegan alternatives to meat and dairy as possible, to avoid feeling like you are missing out. Tiger nut milk, for example, which is creamy and packed with antioxidants, can be added to your tea or coffee instead of cow’s milk. Mheat, which is made from wheat and soya and is high in protein, can be used to make sandwiches, burgers or even steak meals.

Planning a 7 day vegan meal plan that works for you would make going vegan for a whole month a much more straightforward process, and definitely less daunting. It’s important to incorporate a lot of variety in terms of flavour and texture to keep your journey into veganism exciting. This shouldn’t be hard at all - you’ll be surprised by how many vegan alternatives and options exist out there. A balanced, nutritious diet can be achieved by adding plenty of leafy greens, legumes, nuts and seeds into your diet. But we believe it shouldn’t stop there.

If you have a sweet tooth or the tendency to snack around the house or office, then continuing to enjoy your favourite treats even after switching to a plant-based diet should remain a priority. Nothing like the joy of our favourite foods, right?

Our independent makers have worked their hardest to create delicious treats using only natural, plant-powered ingredients, and in some cases superfoods, so that nobody gets left out. Taste-tested and carefully curated by our team, our selection includes vegan brownies, vegan chocolate, doughnuts, and more, all crafted lovingly in small batches.

Celebrating World Vegan Month can go beyond this, of course. If you find that an entirely plant-based diet isn’t for you, you can still add more vegan foods and drinks to your day-to-day life and get your loved ones to try some new vegan recipes or desserts with you. And if you have friends who are already vegan, delighting them with some of the UK’s best vegan gifts, such as a vegan hamper or a vegan snack box, will make for an extremely thoughtful gesture they’ll remember.

  #Healthy Living   #vegan   #Vegan   #world vegan month

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