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Different Types of Vegan Cheeses

Different Types of Vegan Cheeses

Cheese is a food that many people love, but it can be difficult to find a good vegan cheese. This is because cheese is typically made from milk, and most vegan cheeses are made from plant-based ingredients. But even though vegan cheese may be made from different ingredients, there are still many different types of vegan cheese. Here are some of the different types of vegan cheese you need to know about:

Nut-based cheeses: Nut-based cheeses are made from nuts, and they can be made from a variety of different nuts. The most common type of nut cheese is almond cheese, but you can also find cashew cheese, hazelnut cheese, and even pistachio cheese.

Soya-based cheeses: Soya-based cheeses are made from soya milk, and they are usually very similar to dairy cheese in taste and texture. The most popular type of soya cheese is mozzarella, but you can also find cheddar, brie, and gouda.

Tofu-based cheeses: tofu-based cheeses are made from tofu, and they are usually very soft and have a mild flavour. The most popular type of tofu cheese is cream cheese, but you can also find ricotta, mozzarella, and feta.

Vegetable-based cheeses: Vegetable-based cheeses are made from vegetables, and they can be made from a variety of different vegetables. The most popular type of vegetable cheese is made from carrots, but you can also find cheeses made from potatoes, sweet potatoes, and even pumpkins.


Due to their plant-based nature, vegan cheeses have so many health benefits. According to research published in the Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases Journal, they discovered that a vegetarian diet high in plant-based protein, fibre, and nuts reduced blood pressure and cholesterol, and this includes plant-based cheeses. Also, since vegan cheeses are cholesterol-free, they’re perfect for people who are trying to lower their cholesterol levels. Lastly, vegan cheeses are also a good source of calcium and other minerals, which is important for bone health. 

Vegan cheeses come in many different forms, from spreads,  blocks, to gift boxes or cheese boards for grazing tables! This means you don't need to worry about sacrificing taste or texture when you make the switch to veganism. You can still enjoy a good dinner party with your non-vegan friends by serving them a vegan cheese board that will tantalize their taste buds!

With the increase of mindful eating in the UK, the demand for plant-based cheeses has gone up. There are now many small-batch producers making some of the best vegan cheeses in the world, using traditional techniques passed down from generation to generation. So, if you're looking for a delicious and healthy cheese alternative, be sure to check out the different types of vegan cheese available on the market today! You might be surprised at how much you enjoy them!

Click to see all the different kinds of vegan cheese available on Yumbles today. 


Want to know more about the makers who are creating these amazing plant based cheeses go see the 5 artisan vegan cheesemakers who are creating amazing alternative cheese products on Yumbles.

  #Healthy Living   #vegan   #cheese   #Vegan   #dairy free   #plant based   #soy   #artisan   #vegan cheese   #vegan spread   #tofu cheese   #cashew cheese

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