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Plant Based Meat. It's a Yes!

Plant Based Meat. It's a Yes!

There have been remarkable strides in the quality of vegan meat in recent years, with new products being able to replicate and even surpass the taste of the original foods. This makes it a lot easier for some people to make the transition to vegetarian or vegan living than they might otherwise have been able to.

The common refrain from people resistant to the idea of eating more sustainably has always been “But I couldn't live without bacon…” well now there are real and great-tasting alternatives to many meat-based favourites, just like bacon.

We are pleased to be able to recommend the following products that might lead you to reconsider any preconceptions you have about plant-based meat. You never know unless you try, and if you are minded to give it a chance, you may as well try some of the best alternatives out there. 

Vegan Steak 

This plant based meat product from Glasgow-based Sgaia is full of flavour and gets rave reviews from most people who try it. It is a wheat-based product and therefore not suitable for those following a gluten-free diet but it is suitable for both vegetarians and vegans.

The consistency and taste of the vegan steak is second to none and definitely gives meat based steak a run for its money. The vegan steak can be pan cooked and served along with traditional favourites like chips and a salad or chopped up and added to a stir-fry, to add an interesting new umami flavour to the mix. They work beautifully well with marinades and sauces, complementing existing tastes and adding complexity of flavour to dishes.

Sliced Vegan Meat Bundle

This charcuterie-style presentation includes popular breakfast favourites such as Lorne sausage and bacon replacements as well as plant based pepperoni and pastrami. This is an excellent way to dip your toe in the water to see what is on offer in this area and this product is very highly rated by our customers, with most saying they are impressed with the texture, flavour and packaging.  

All of the products in this pack are suitable for vegetarian and vegan diets and are also dairy and artificial ingredient free.

Vegan Pepperoni

This is definitely one for the pizza lovers. Vegan pepperoni slices that are perfect as pizza toppings, very easy to cook and coated in olive oil, hand-prepared and packaged. The prospect of being able to have a truly vegetarian diavola pizza with spicy plant-based meat is a major selling point. The slices have a lovely spicy kick to them and really add that “picante” taste we all look for in a pepperoni. 

Another serving suggestion is to flash fry them in a pan with olive oil and add them to a toastie with cheese and other ingredients of your choice to add flavour and spice. (You can also add some vegan charcuterie in that sandwich and enjoy some meat-free pastrami!)

See here for innovative and delicious vegan meat alternatives.

  #Healthy Living   #Vegan   #plant based   #vegan meat   #vegan steak   #vegan bacon   #vegan diet   #meat alternatives

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