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Superfoods to Include in Your Breakfast Bowl

Superfoods to Include in Your Breakfast Bowl

Are you looking to include superfoods in your diet? Then read on for breakfast tips!

Superfoods are nutrient-dense foods that are packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other health-promoting nutrients. They have been shown to improve overall health, help protect against chronic disease and help maintain a healthy lifestyle. 

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so make sure to start your day off right with a nutritious breakfast bowl packed with superfoods. For a start, you can try this Nutrient Pure Organic Vegan Protein Powder by Marvellous Superfoods. It is packed with over 55% protein, sweetened with palmyra jaggery and flavoured with raw cacao and Madagascan vanilla, and is a good source of protein, fiber and antioxidants. Add it to your breakfast bowl and feed your muscles, naturally.

For a light snack, the Activated Nuts Box is perfect. It contains four superfood-packed varieties of activated nuts - cashews, almonds, walnuts and nut mix. These activated nuts are all soaked in water and then slowly dried again at low temperatures until crispy, which lets the nut absorb more of its goodness, and also makes it easier to digest. The tiny snacking pouches are ideal for taking with you on your commute, as a pre-or post-workout snack, or as a 3 p.m. slump cure in your desk drawer.

If you are looking for a berry-flavoured superfood, try this Berry Powder made using berries from Nova Scotia, or go for this Berry Powder Selection. These pwders are made using raw, wild, handpicked berries, gently dried to preserve their nutritional content and natural taste. Just add a teaspoon of this powder to your cereal, porridge, yoghurt, smoothies or use in baking dishes.

Adding Inca Berries Coated in Dark Chocolate to your breakfast bowl is another great way to get a superfood boost. Inkaskie berries are known for their intensely dry taste. They are an excellent source of fibre and antioxidants, and have a low glycemic index, making them perfect for people with diabetes. The chocolate is made from raw materials sourced from certified organic farming and ethical trades. You can buy in bulk which is great for buying bigger quantities of chocolate goods be it for the family, assorted gifts or baking.

Last but not least, these Freeze-Dried Crispy Orange Bits are perfect for adding a little zing to your breakfast bowl. Made 100% with oranges and nothing else, they are considered to be super healthy and a great source of fibre and vitamin C. They are also low in calories, so you can indulge and enjoy as a light snack as well. Add them to your bowl for a delicious and nutritious start to the day.

So, there you have it - a few superfoods to include in your breakfast bowl to start your day off right! Discover all superfoods that can always come in handy when you want to prepare a nutritious breakfast bowl. 

Let us know if you’ve tried any in the comments below!

  #Healthy Living   #Health & Wellbeing   #berries   #nutrients   #superfoods   #protein powder   #activated nuts   #raw superfoods   #breakfast superfoods

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