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Eat Your Cake And Tweet It: Photography & Social Sharing Tips

Eat Your Cake And Tweet It: Photography & Social Sharing Tips

It’s one of the most popular and fast-growing online phenomenons in the social media industry; sharing food photos and experiences via visual-based platforms. Whether you’re a pro, addict or novice when it comes to snapping your own edible creations or when eating out, here are some top tips to whet the appetite of your social media fans and followers.

Get in the selfie mode

The premise of the selfie involves bringing the personal to the forefront while constructing the photo in a way that presents the subject in its best light, just as you want the food on your plate to look appetising and appealing.

Hey, good looking!

Let’s face it, we only want to share food when it looks pretty, which involves getting the right lighting, presentation and what the food is served on; think about cutlery, crockery and serving items as ‘props’ for a decent photo. If the food is part of a theme, small decorations can make a big difference. Good looking food really capture people's imagination on social media.

Capture the moment

It might sound obvious, but make sure you post photos of recipes and food at the relevant times to be part of the popular talking point, particularly when using hashtags on Twitter and Instagram. People want to be inspired and attracted to food that whets the appetite around traditional meal times – you’re more likely to capture their attention when people are thinking about to make or eat!

Compare your foodie experiences

When eating out, don’t just take photos of the food but of the experience as a whole; the interior of the restaurant, decorations, drinks and even your company! Viewers will get more of a feel of the venue while it gives more scope to compare food places, which others could find very useful.

Share behind the scenes content

Whether a consumer, blogger or brand, one of the best things to do when it comes to food sharing via social is the behind-the-scenes action. It tells more of a story of the steps involved leading up to the finished dish and brings it to life, allowing your followers to share the moment with you.

Don’t forget about video

With channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest there to share wonderful food creations, video channels like YouTube, Vine and even Instagram’s video platforms allow for video to play a part. You can get a tripod and film while you’re cooking, or for a more ‘raw’ effect, grab sections of preparing food and the final result for the likes of Vine for snippets of the experience.

So there you go, a few tips and pointers on when you get creative in the kitchen or are simply enjoying a meal out with family and friends. My only word of warning is to be sure to enjoy EATING the food in the real-time moment, rather than focusing too much on the finished result of the image!

  #Food & Drink   #photography   #food   #social media   #composition   #appearance   #Kitchenware & Gadgets

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