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6 Overnight Oats Recipe Ideas

6 Overnight Oats Recipe Ideas

Oats are a very versatile breakfast solution and can be eaten in a variety of ways, including the most popular “Overnight Oats” breakfast bowl. This refers to the practice of leaving them to soak overnight, which makes them more stodgy and easier to consume in the morning, as well as breaking down the acids in the oats and making them more flavourful. There are some excellent cereals & granolas which make the most of this trend and are so easy to make!

Base Recipe for Overnight Oats

125ml of rolled oats or quick oats 125ml of the milk of your choice (skimmed, soy, almond etc) 125ml of yoghurt or additional milk of your choice Sweetener of your choice, to taste 1/8 tsp of salt Optional - 125ml of the fruit of your choice Optional - 1 tbsp of chia seeds Optional - 1 tbsp of nut butter

All the ingredients should be combined in a lidded container, shaken well and refrigerated overnight, then stirred the next morning prior to consuming.  Here are 6 popular overnight oat recipes you could try.

Blueberry Overnight Oats

This is a very simple addition to the basic recipe and involves stirring blueberries into the mixture before shaking and refrigerating. If a plain overnight oats recipe isn’t tasty enough for you, the addition of blueberries can make it much more interesting.

Apricot and Chia Overnight Oats

The addition of apricot and chia seeds definitely adds a fruity tang to overnight oats and the slightly nutty flavour of the chia seeds makes more fun to eat. There are also the various health benefits attributed to chia seeds.

Creamy Coffee Overnight Oats

One for all of the caffeine addicts out there, add a teaspoon (not a tablespoon!) of instant coffee to the recipe and consider also adding ⅛ or a teaspoon of vanilla extract to the base recipe. Stir thoroughly and shake well before refrigerating and enjoy this vigorous creamy coffee oats when the morning comes. A great way to start the day (and saves time making coffee as well).

Strawberry Shortcake Overnight Oats

This recipe requires the use of strawberry yoghurt instead of plain, and coconut milk rather than regular. You can also choose to use strawberries as your fruit of choice and even stir in some strawberry jam at the end if that is your preference taste-wise. Trust us, it’s great.

Banana Overnight Oats

Mash a banana in a bowl before adding it to the base recipe and use a tablespoon of maple to stir and mix. Peanut butter also tends to go well with bananas so you could add add two tablespoons before eating the oats in the morning. Add in some extra milk in the morning for texture and slice some extra banana on top for freshness (and a gorgeous breakfast bowl aesthetic).

Carrot Cake Overnight Oats

For this one you will need to grate 40g of carrots to add to the base recipe along with 1 teaspoon of sultanas and one teaspoon of honey. As before, refrigerate overnight after shaking well, and stir well before consuming in the morning. Delicious.

There are some overnight oats products which already include flavours and fruity additions in the oats such as the Overnight Oats Pick and Mix by SunBird and the Organic Raw Breakfast Cereal by Raw Gorilla for the ones who prefer some crunchiness. 

For more breakfast inspiration to start off your day in a tasty way check out the following:

Superfoods To Include In Your Breakfast Bowl

- Top 5 Healthy Breakfast Smoothies

  #Food & Drink   #Food guides & reviews   #oats   #overnight oats   #artisan cereal

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