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Dark Chocolate is the Super Food not to ignore…. Here’s Why!

Dark Chocolate is the Super Food not to ignore…. Here’s Why!

Struggling to curb your chocolate habit…? Well, good news for all the chocoholics out there! You don’t have to! There’s a magical chocolate, that tastes great, is full of nutrition and soothes your mind, body and soul....what could it be?

Dark chocolate! Specifically, over 75%, is great for your physical, and mental health.

Here are some of the top 8 reasons, why dark chocolate is not only delicious, but is a super food you should be grabbing your daily dose of: 

  1. Full of antioxidants! Just like cranberries, red wine and tea, the cocoa bean contains flavanols, a plant compound with potent antioxidants properties.
  2. Boost Serotonin and Dopamine. Having a serving of dark chocolate a day is proven to boost your happy hormones, this can be great for your mental health and helps regulate your stress and anxiety levels throughout the day.
  3. Cancer fighting.Studies show that foods high in flavonoids, like dark chocolate, can help fight several forms of cancer.
  4. Blood Flow. Dark chocolate increases your bodies production of nitric oxide, this increases blood flow. Increased blood flow aids repair after a workout, decreases muscle soreness and aids nutrient delivery throughout your body.
  5. Reduces stress. As well as boosting your happy hormones, a daily dose of dark chocolate is shown to reduce cortisol levels. Cortisol is your ‘fight or flight’ hormone.
  6. Heart health. There are many reasons dark chocolate is great for your heart, but one of the greatest is that it prevents your blood platelets from clotting, reducing risk of stroke. It also reduces cholesterol.
  7. Brain function. Dark chocolate is shown to improve brain cognition and memory. If consumed regularly as part of a balanced diet, it’s believed to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Amazing!
  8. Great for your skin! Studies show that the antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, healthy fats and flavanols in dark chocolate all have a positive impact on your skin, helping it stay soft and hydrated. Some scientists also suggest that it can help prevent and repair your skin from UV damage.


There you go! 8 reasons why you should start incorporating dark chocolate into your daily life.

Are you new to dark chocolate? Well, we understand that switching from super sweet milk chocolate, to dark, can be a bit of a struggle. So, if you’re just starting out making that positive change, we’ve created the perfect chocolate for you. Our premium dark chocolate range has a cocoa content minimum of 80.3%, without the bitterness of regular dark chocolate. It’s packed full of feel-good nutrition, whilst not missing out on taste. Check out our range here on Yumbles!

One simple daily dose of 13.5g can help attune both your mind and body, so you feel calm, receptive, and aligned, whilst nourishing yourself.




  #Healthy Living   #Health & Wellbeing   #chocolate   #health benefits   #wellbeing   #dark chocolate   #mindful   #dark chocolate proven benefits

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