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Is it the best Rustic Chocolate Loaf? Read to know!

Is it the best Rustic Chocolate Loaf? Read to know!

Do you want to know how to make this delicious rustic chocolate loaf? This quick and easy recipe will only take 5 minutes of prep time. Can be enjoyed sweet or savoury with just a small tweak to the recipe or with your choice of toppings. 

3 1/2 cups of plain flour 
2 tsp salt 
1/2 tsp of yeast 
2 tbsp cocoa powder 
2 cups water 
Generous Handful of 80Noir Ultra Chocolate Beads (shop now) (I split mine in half) 

For Sweet: 
Just add 2 tbsp of your choice of sugar

You will also need a Dutch oven pot or a large cake tin will work fine. 

Stage 1: 
First mix all of the dry ingredients together in a large bowl, including the chocolate beads

Create a well in the middle of the dry mixture and add the water

Whisk up until you have a sludgy dough, if you want to get more involved you could use your hands, beware it is sticky

Cover and leave to rise in a warm area for 8 hours 

Stage 2: 
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees 

Flour your surface and tip the dough out onto it, fold over 4 times Add more sprinkles of flour and fold more if it is still too sticky 

Slit the top and place in your pot

Bake for 30 minutes covered and then 15 minutes uncovered

Try to leave it to cool and rest before you have any, but this bread fresh and warm with a bit of butter is delightful!

Don't forget to tag us in your creations @yumbles

Want to read more recipes? Here you go

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The only recipe you need to make Chocolate Madeleines

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  #Healthy Living   #chocolate recipe   #baking   #homemade   #bakeclean   #Keto   #dark chocolate   #dark chocolate proven benefits   #chocolate loaf   #homemade bread   #sweet or savoury

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