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Is Hot Chocolate the New Coffee?

Is Hot Chocolate the New Coffee?

The way we start our mornings does impact how we feel for the rest of the day. Have you ever heard the phrase ‘woke up on the wrong side of bed’? With these cold, dark and rainy mornings, this phrase for me hasn’t rang truer.

Sometimes the idea of getting out of our warm bed and facing the world seems almost impossible, leaving us just a few minutes to spare, rushing and panicking, looking for our keys that were in our hands all along, with slice of toast dangling precariously from our mouths. Sometimes when we start our days off this way, it feels almost impossible to snap out of stress mode.

But! I may just have the solution. For me, the best remedy for was creating a simple morning routine that I look forward to. My most enjoyable move, was switching my morning coffee to a soothing, mind and body boosting hot chocolate.  

Well, I’m certainly not saying to ditch the coffee all together. I still love a good cup of coffee from time to time, but, since gradually cutting down and making the switch, I’ve noticed a real difference in my energy levels and mood! Since switching out a cup a day, I find myself feeling more relaxed, centred, and ready to take on the day.

Studies suggest that drinking coffee first thing in the morning can have a negative effect on our mind and body. Coffee interferes with our natural hormonal cycle and this cycle is responsible for waking you up and keeping you alert during the day and then helping you relax into sleep on an evening.

In the morning, our body releases Cortisol, this is the hormone that helps us feel alert and ready for the day. Drinking coffee first thing can disrupt our cycle and our bodies tolerance to these hormones, which is the culprit for that good old late morning crash…

The high caffeine content in coffee is also known to raise blood pressure, brain activity, alertness and in some cases, induce feelings of anxiety. Of course, everybody is different, some people can’t sleep at all after drinking coffee 10 hours earlier, and some people can have coffee right before bed and have sweet dreams! It totally depends.

Chocolate contains less caffeine than coffee whilst being full of mind and body benefits. Dark Chocolate is packed full of feel-good nutrients that boost our bodies natural happiness neurotransmitters like Serotonin and Dopamine, this can lead to us feeling relaxed, joyful and clear headed. Plus, all of the nutritional benefits give our body a big shot of natural energy! But, if you’re still not convinced try our hot chocolate beads or mini bars for yourself :)

Taking a few minutes in the morning to breathe in the aromas, sit, nourish yourself, gather your thoughts and have a moment of you time before you whisk the kids off to school or rush to work, might be really beneficial to the rest of your day!

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  #Healthy Living   #hot chocolate   #Keto   ##lactosefree   #dark chocolate proven benefits   #low caffeine

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